Sunday, January 20, 2013

0 FIX Blank or Empty List in Vista Turn Windows Features On or Off (OptionalFeatures.exe)

ការប៉ុនា្មនសប្តាហ៏មុននេះ ខ្ញុំចង់ធ្វើការ​​ដំឡើង IIS ក្នុង Windows 7 ខ្ញុំក៏​​​បាន​ជួ​ប​​នូវ​បញ្ហា​ដូច​ខាង​ក្រោម​នេះ ​ខ្ញុំ​មាន​អារ​ម្ម​ណ៏​ថា​ចង់​តែ​ Setup​ Windows​ ​ជា​ថ្មី​ទេ​ ហើយ​ការ​ស្វែង​រក​របស់​ខ្ញុំ​មួយ​ចំនួន​​ក៏​​បាន​បង្ហាញ​ថា​ឲ្យ​យើង​ធ្វើ​ការ​ Setup​ Windows​ ថ្មី​ដែរ តែ​ក្រោយ​មក​​ខ្ញុំ​មិន​​អស់​​ចិត្ត​​ ក៏​​ធ្វើ​ការ​ស្វែង​រក​បន្ត​ទៀត រហូត​​ទាល់តែស្វែង​រកឃើញ​ ខ្ញុំសប្បាយចិត្តណាស់​ ប្រសិនបើអ្នក​ជួប​បញ្ហាខាង​ក្រោ​ម​នេះអ្នក​ពិតជា​អស់កង្វល់ហើយ​​ ។
If you’ve uninstalled program in Vista from Control Panel, perhaps you’ve noticed a tasks “Turn Windows features on or off” at the left pane. When you click on it, Windows Features dialog will appear asking you to “Please wait” and it will start searching for a list of windows features such as games, indexing service, internet information services (IIS) and etc that you can turn on or off. Vista Windows Features is actually pretty much the same as Add/Remove Windows Component in Windows XP. You can also run Windows Features by typing optionalfeatures.exe at run or command prompt.
One of the most common problem that many people are facing with the Vista Windows Features is the dialog box came out empty or blank. You can see “please wait” initially as it tries to make up a list but then it totally blanks out. Microsoft of course is aware of this problem and they’ve created a knowledge base 931712 to acknowledge the problem and also provided 2 solutions to resolve this issue. First method is to run sfc.exe /scannow command to scan all protected system files and replaces incorrect versions with correct Microsoft versions. If that didn’t work, you’ll have to do a System Restore. I also found another method in Google that claims to fix it by running the following command “reg delete HKLM\COMPONENTS /v StoreDirty”. I assure you that these solutions don’t work. The only known solution that will fix the blank Windows Feature is to reinstall Windows but then most manufacturer only provides recovery disc and no installation disc. Don’t worry because I found a REAL fix for the empty Windows Features problem without reinstalling Windows.
1. Download System Update Readiness Tool from Microsoft. Scroll right to the bottom of the page and download the correct version of this tool according to your operating system.
2. Once finished downloading, close all running programs and run Windows6.0-KB947821-v4-x86.msu. Click OK to install KB947821 update for Windows. You will see that it is as though trying to install an update but actually it is trying to fix any problems that it finds on the system in background using checksur.exe. This will take a while, so you can go and have a cup of coffee.
3. When installation completed, click Close and restart your computer.
4. Once Windows is booted up, try running Windows Features (optionalfeatures.exe) and see if the list is loaded or not. IF not, continue the next step.
5. Go to Windows\Logs\CBS\ and open CheckSUR.log file with notepad. The following steps are going to be a little tricky because everyone gets different result.
6. Take note of the part that says “Checking Package Manifests and catalogs” in the CheckSUR.log file. If there are errors, you will see a line with (f) followed by error code and path. If you see (fix), it means the tool manage to fix that particular error.
 As you can see, the fourth and fifth (f) lines are not fixed as it continues checking the next watchlist.
7. Now you’ll need to manually delete the registry keys according to what you see in the CheckSUR.log file. Run regedit and go to the following location.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\
As an example, I see Package_5_for_KB938979~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~ on my CheckSUR.log file. So I need to look for the key in registry at the location that I stated above and then delete it. There won’t be a .mum extension on the registry. As long as the whole line matches without the extension, you can delete it.
8. You will need to set full control permission before you can delete the corrupted registry key. Refer to this article ( on how to set the permission. After deleting the corrupted registry, I am very sure your Windows Features will start to show the list. The good thing about running System Update Readiness Tool is it might have already fixed some problems which probably you are not aware of. I have copied System Update Readiness Tool to my flash drive because it is a potential utility to fix problems in Vista.
សំគាល់​​៖​ ប្រសិនបើអ្នក Update Windows ហើយអ្នកសាក ចូល Start --> Run -->Type : OptionalFeatures.exe ហើយនៅក្នុង box មានFeatures​នៅ​ក្នុង​box នោះហើយមិនចំាបាច់ធ្វើតាមជំហាន ខាងលើក៏បាន។
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