Sunday, January 20, 2013

0 Hackers From Philippines and Malaysia Attacked Chinese Sites

Hacktivist group Anonymous attacked several Chinese Sites. In what looks like hacking-spree retribution following the Spratly Islands and Scarborough Shoal Dispute. Many Filipino and Malaysian Hackers join forces to give impression and also a warning.
 Here is a message from the group found from one of the hacked sites:

 We bow down to no enemy

Hold your line, stand your ground 

One by one we'll take you down 
You may continue bullying our country's waters but we will not tolerate you from
intimidating our own cyber shores. Those defacements are just a mere response to
what you have initially started. We are not trying to start anything. We are just
trying to tell you that we do not want to be bullied in our own cyberspace too. 
We are Anonymous, We are legion, We don't forgive,
We don't forget, United as one, Divided by NONE, Expect us.

The group also displayed ASCII encoded face of V from V is for Vendetta which is awesome.
name of the hacker is _~Angel~s0n~_.
Another site is different, It displayed GIFs, animated title saying:

  • U mad bro?
  • I am very sorry! 
  • Trollolo
  • Chinese lamer 
This hackers has some sense of humor.
They also displayed:
"it's more in the philippines, Menyatukan Pilippines dan Malaysia"
 "Scarborough is Ours!"
One thing is cool about this, is that you cannot view the page source! you cannot use right click. At the bottom, hackers name are displayed.

List of hacked sites:

What do you think will be their next big target?
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